Friday, April 17, 2020

Smoothies and Raw Foods

Your body is constantly replacing old cells with new ones at the rate of about a millions per second. By the time you finish reading this sentence, 50 million of your cells will have died and been replaced by others.

Cells are one of the smallest units of the human body and all the functions of the body actually take place at the cellular level. In fact, the life of a human being begins as a single cell and formation of new cells is crucial to an organism's growth and development. Cells are constantly replaced by new cells, although the process slows down as you age. The formation of new cells helps prevent age-related conditions in the body and maintain overall health and vitality.

Considering the fact that only nine percent of Americans eat enough vegetables, it’s time we all got serious about upping our veggie intake. If you add vegetables to your breakfast, you can get a jumpstart on the day. And it’s easy enough to do, too, not to mention absolutely delicious.

Some cultures around the world incorporate vegetables as a regular part of their morning meal. Raw food breakfasts boost energy and weight loss. The average person is supposed to eat two and a half to three cups of vegetables a day, according to My Plate.  For some people, that’s an easy feat. For others, hitting that goal can be little trickier. The easiest way to reach that vegetable recommendation without any trouble is to start first thing in the morning.

Soils that have formed where there is a lot of activity from volcanos often have special chemical properties. These soils are called Andisols, and they are often very young, and acidic. A soil with a pH of 4 has 10 times more acid than a soil with a pH of 5 and 100 times more acid than a soil with a pH of 6. Soil acidity affects plant growth and most soil processes, including nutrient availability.

Ancient limestone aquifer that runs underneath the continents moves through soil and rock it dissolves small amounts of naturally-occurring minerals and carries them into the groundwater supply. It is "hard water" or alkaline water. Sedimentary rocks consist of minerals that serve to neutralize the acid in the water and there health benefits from it including agriculture. People living where the soil is volcanic will likely need a multi-mineral supplement.

Drinking acidic water exposes your body to heavy metals and minerals present in the water.  Acidic water often causes problems for pipes, as it is highly corrosive and leads to damage. If that kind of water can damage your pipes, imagine what it can do to your body. Metals and minerals present in acidic water can include iron, copper, manganese, and zinc. Exposure to too much of these metals may lead to illness.

An alkaline diet is an eating plan that emphasizes fresh vegetables and fruits with the aim of maintaining an optimal pH level in the body. It's based on the premise that the food we eat alters the body's pH to be either acidic or alkaline.

Vegetable smoothies are a quick, convenient and easy way to boost your nutrient intake and improve your overall health. You can easily make a vegetable smoothie for a convenient breakfast on the go. Or enjoy one as a high-protein, post-workout snack or even as a delicious afternoon pick-me-up to avoid sugar cravings. You will get various health benefits with very few calories, and the fiber aids in digestion and helps you feel satisfied. And you will have ready made cell parts that can be reassembled since our body has to break the food down into smaller molecules that it can process.

Ideally a kitchen garden of even a few square feet or even some potted plants can be located conveniently so the basic LIVE ingredients of your smoothie will make it easy and healthy. After the smoothie it is a good idea to have a D3 vitamin and a handful of walnuts and almonds.

Broccoli sprouts have loads of health benefits. Researchers have known for a while that cruciferous vegetables are good for you, and studies consistently confirm that diets rich in cruciferous vegetables are linked to a decreased risk for chronic diseases, like cardiovascular disease and cancer. That's most likely because cruciferous vegetables like arugula, broccoli, bok choy, Brussels sprouts, kale, cabbage, and wasabi all contain compounds that have anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, and possibly cancer-fighting effects.

Each person is a unique energy system and by paying attention to it you can, over time, learn to respect your own needs and possibilities. That is the opposite of factory foods which serves a profit motive rather than promoting good nutrition.

Here are some other good smoothie ingredients:
Ground Flax Seed Guava LeavesRaw CabbageMiso
PapyaAvocadoCitrusVitamin C
Nutritional Yeast
Cocoa Powder
Sweet Potato

The bottom line is to eat the widest variety of fibrous vegetables that is possible.

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