Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Essential Nutrients

Some plants grow well in acidic soils but most plants do not. The majority of tropical soils are  often poor and acidic, which means that native trees and plants have had to adapt to acidic soil conditions. Leaching due to excessive rainfall or irrigation results in key nutrients, such as potassium, magnesium, and calcium, being washed out (leached) from the soil. The pH level of the soil needs lime (calcium) to correct the problem.
Because of this and other factors mineral deficiencies negatively affect billions of individuals worldwide, imposing a heavy burden on well-being and economic productivity.

Often the water coming from high mountain glaciers is milky white because the enormous weight of the moving ice grinds the surface of the underlying rock strata. The people that drink that water have a considerably longer life expectancy than the average.

Colloidal minerals are taken from clay or shale deposits. Historically, some Native American tribes used clay as medicine. The medicinal use of clay-based products in modern days was first encouraged by a southern Utah rancher. Now colloidal minerals are widely promoted.

Mineral deficiency is a lack of dietary minerals, the micro nutrients that are needed for an organism's proper health. The cause may be a poor diet, impaired uptake of the minerals that are consumed or a dysfunction in the organism's use of the mineral after it is absorbed. Most prominently, deficiencies in iron, zinc, and iodine have the largest negative impact on public health; however, other minerals, including calcium, magnesium, selenium, and fluorine, contribute significantly to ill health.

Trace minerals are a type of mineral essential to your body for optimal health but not required by your body in large quantities. Specifically, trace minerals support immune system function, energy, metabolism and antioxidant protection.

Colloidal minerals are used as a supplemental source of trace minerals and as a dietary supplement to increase energy. They are also used for improving blood sugar levels in diabetes, treating arthritis symptoms, reducing blood cell clumping, reversing early cataracts, turning gray hair dark again, flushing poisonous heavy metals from the body, improving general well-being, and reducing aches and pains.

If your location has mineral-rich terrain (for example, Arizona's terrain is primarily made from limestone), you likely have "hard water" containing high concentrations of dissolved minerals, usually calcium or magnesium carbonates (CaCO­ 3 or MgCO 3), chlorides (CaCl 2 or MgCl 2) or sulphates (CaSO 4 or MgSO, and other trace minerals.

But if you live in a place where there is no limestone, such as Hawaii, the soil and the drinking water supply lacks essential minerals. Some people resort to bottled water thinking it can solve the problem. However reverse osmosis has its roots in military applications where it was used to create a drinkable water source when contamination was present. From this very critical use sprung a more commercial one. Using reverse osmosis systems creates pure water, nearly devoid of all essential minerals.

The amounts of minerals that are removed by this demineralized water is substantial, as much as 60-70% of the total available. This leaves very little available for the body. Reverse osmosis water apparently has a definite adverse influence on the animal and human organism. The same is true for distilled water.

Although calcium and magnesium are the main minerals that are removed by the process of reverse osmosis or distillation, many other minerals are also filtered out. This includes important trace minerals such as fluoride, copper, chromium, manganese, selenium, iron, zinc and molybdenum iodine. 

Proponents of the alkaline diet claim it can help prevent many maladies by increasing body pH. It's based on the premise that eating acidic foods raises body acidity, which leads to health problems. Some say an acidic diet causes cancer and that eating more alkaline foods kills cancer cells.

The typical American diet is very acidic due to its high content of protein and processed foods. However, the best way to reduce the acidic load on the body doesn't involve drinking alkaline water: Instead, it consists of eating a diet rich in plant-based foods such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables.

Because of depleted soils and the drastic increase of factory foods it is ever more likely you will need supplements. But beware of cheap synthetic vitamins with multi minerals and beware of gummy vitamins or gummy anything.

About 70% of your immunes live in your gut and collectively our microbiomes are in trouble which seems to be related to most disease, both physical and psychological.

Dr. Rhonda Patric offers great advice on nutrition and has a good  Supplement list. She says most Americans are badly deficient in Vitamin D which play a vital role in at least 28 bodily functions. And even if you are taking multi-vitamins you are probably deficient in more ways than you thought.


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